Diet and Weight Loss are Under The Control of Your Subconscious Mind

Diet and Weight Loss are Under The Control of Your Subconscious Mind

What factors influence human behavior, and in particular, your eating habits, is a mystery. However, I have yet to come across a psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician who can provide a satisfactory response to this issue, despite the fact that it is the most basic question if you want to begin a long-term, permanent behavior modification program. If you are unable to provide a response to this question, how can you reasonably hope to assist someone in making a dietary change or ensuring long-lasting weight loss? How can you go ahead if you don't know what it is that is propelling you forward? Information is the most important factor in determining human behavior, and, in particular, your eating habits. In your daily life, are there any tasks that you can do without speaking to yourself or visualizing the task at hand? Without a doubt, this is not the case! It would be similar to attempting to read from the beginning of a blank page. In the absence of information, there can be no action!

The following question is: What exactly are the components of this information? Words and images are the components of the information that affects your emotional state and conduct. They are the building blocks of information. How do you identify, get access to, and alter the information that is causing a behavior that is clearly not working? This is the next logical question. Over two decades of study and development have resulted in a program method known as Burris MIND/FITNESS, which is now available to the public. MIND/FITNESS is able to answer the last question with remarkable precision and accuracy because it begins with the first two questions and works its way down the line. It is always about the question when it comes to finding a solution to a problem. There has never been a time when this was more important. Imagine if psychologists had been asking themselves, "How can I repair it?" for the last 60 years. Why is it broken?! should be used instead.

This Is Why It Is Critical That You Take Control of Your Subconscious

The subconscious has the ability to talk at a pace of about two to three hundred words per minute, to give you a sense of its strength. Your subconscious operates at a pace of about one thousand to twelve hundred words per minute, which is approximately four times the rate at which you can communicate verbally. This explains why you can speak on the phone while simultaneously doing other activities like typing on a computer or driving a vehicle, since your subconscious has previously been trained to execute the other duties. Consider the conscious mind and the subconscious mind as two opposing forces engaged in a tug of war, with a pool of muck in the center awaiting whomever loses. The conscious mind is represented by a single person on one side, while the subconscious is represented by four individuals on the other. It is generally a losing proposition when the conscious chooses to go in a different way, such as altering one's diet or reducing weight, or improving one's exercise program or stopping smoking, or any number of other things, since you are outnumbered by information. It is for this reason that spontaneous change is so difficult to achieve. Burris MIND/FITNESS will ensure that you have the greatest number of supporters on your side throughout the tug of war.

Burris said. MIND/FITNESS is founded on the premise that all conduct is influenced by emotions, or, to put it another way, that your emotional state determines your behavior. The way you feel about the things you do will always influence whether or not you take steps toward them. You will constantly gravitate in the direction of felt pleasure and away from perceived suffering. Any behavioral modification program must include instruction on how to gain control over one's emotional state as a central component. So, what is the most significant distinction between MIND/FITNESS and any other behavioral modification program on the market? "How can I repair it?" asks MIND/FITNESS, in response to the query. as opposed to Why is it not working properly?

For example, if you have a flat tire on your vehicle, do you want to go back down the road to figure out why you have a flat tire or do you want to know how to repair it so that you can continue driving forward? To spend the final 40 years of your life delving into the first 40 years of your life is not something that should be done in the least.

It is critical that you learn how to get control over your subconscious since, if you do not predetermine your destination, the mind is like a vehicle without an off button and with an unknown driver. It will either drive itself or someone else may sit in the driver's seat and drive it for you if you prefer not to drive it yourself. Having someone else drive may be OK if you agree with where they are going. But what if you do not agree with where they are going?

For the first eighteen years of your existence, you were not the one behind the wheel of the vehicle. This was often done with little or no regard to the younger passengers. Almost every choice was made for you, which was a relief. Throughout your time there, you were instructed on what to do and eat, as well as how to respond to any given scenario. All of this knowledge is stored in your subconscious and will manifest itself at random to decide the course of your life..

There are also a plethora of factors that may appear in your first programming that may or may not have anything to do with your biological parents. The bottom line is still the bottom line. Do you want to drive at some time in the future, or do you want to continue to rely on someone or something else to do so?

Regardless of whether your aim is to lose weight, improve your fitness level, or gain control over an eating problem such as anorexia or bulimia, we can help you achieve your objectives. Ultimately, the question you must ask yourself is: Am I totally OK with the way my mind operates on its own, or do I need to exert more control over it? If your response is that you need to get control of your life, Burris MIND/FITNESS is the solution and the ultimate self-help program for you.