More and More Britons are Emigrating to Live Abroad

More and More Britons are Emigrating to Live Abroad

According to Beth Collingz, Overseas Sales Director, PLC International Marketing Networks, for Pacific Concord Properties Inc.'s Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines, a closer look at the figures released by the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics revealed that of those who left the country last year, 196000 were British citizens and 189000 were long term migrants who had been living in the country for more than a year. Collingz said that the figures released by the UK's Office for National Statistics showed

The unexpectedly high emigration rates raise the issue of why individuals are departing in such large numbers. Surprisingly, it seems that one of the primary motivations for the British to pack their belongings is the weather in the United Kingdom. The sun has been deprived of its rays. The British have had a very rainy summer, and the grey sky that is supposed to be blue has been hardly visible. In the words of Collingz, "British people are acquainted with the notion that we only have two seasons-the winter and the summer." Many individuals do not seem to be prepared to endure a year-long winter this year, maybe as a result of the awful weather we have had in July and throughout the summer.

According to a recent study conducted among PLC's UK customer base, pleasant weather is a major factor in consumers' decision to retire to the Philippines. The climate, according to 60 percent of purchasers of our Lancaster Condotel apartments, is one of the primary reasons they chose the Philippines as a retirement destination. In June, interest in Philippine real estate increased by 70% compared to the same month the previous year, and by 60% in July. People purchase property in other countries for a variety of reasons, but a dismal British summer is enough to motivate any overseas property buyer or investor to take action, according to Collingz. If you are thinking of immigrating to the Philippines, you will want to start with as much money as possible to ensure that you get off to the best possible start in your new country. One of the most important methods to do this is to carefully choose the manner through which you will transfer your assets into your new house, with the availability of local finance for property acquisitions being a critical consideration.

For the Lancaster Brand of Condotels in the Philippines, the developer Pacific Concord Properties Inc. has offered no-prequalification 12-year payment plans to those who qualify. Taxpayers in the United Kingdom may also take advantage of tax breaks by investing their Self-Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] in Philippine Condotel Investment Real Estate for the purpose of generating rental income and retirement. According to Collingz, a Self-Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] is a personal pension plan with one significant difference: the administration of the plan is independent of the investment content, giving the plan holder the flexibility to choose and change the investments included within the plan.After a lengthy period of anticipation, HM Revenue & Customs announced the long-awaited regulations on what savers may put in their personal pension plans in April 2006.

The Guidance Notes clarify that holders of the Self Invested Pension Plan [SIPP] are permitted to make investments in hotels, such as the Lancaster Brand of Condo Hotels in the Philippines, under certain conditions. The sole restriction is that SIPP holders are not permitted to remain in their rooms. It should come as no surprise that increasing the number of nights accessible for paying visitors improves the returns to the room owners. It is believed that there are more than 70,000 plans with a combined value of more than £14 billion.

The fact that people in the United Kingdom can manage their own pension plans was only recently discovered, and even fewer were aware that they could invest their SIPP retirement funds in vacation homes in the sun, which are now proving to be among the most popular potential investments for inclusion in a SIPP, was only recently discovered.

If you're thinking about utilizing your SIPP to make a real estate investment, there are many compelling reasons why you should consider investing in Philippine Condotel Investment real estate to help you achieve high profit margins on your retirement portfolio. Due to the fact that a SIPP may create title to property in a nation whose legal system recognizes trusts, the Philippines is an excellent choice for this kind of investment. After all, an investment in a SIPP is just another type of trust. A lot of people would have you think that investing in international real estate is dangerous and difficult, but this is not the case. In contrast to the United Kingdom, where land and house prices have skyrocketed in recent years, the global real estate market has seen a significant decline.

It is still feasible to purchase a pre-construction condotel suite at Lancaster – The Atrium in Metro Manila, Philippines, for less than GBP £25,000.00. Lancaster – The Atrium is situated in Metro Manila, Philippines. Lancaster is a city in Pennsylvania. The Atrium is a "Full Service" condominium hotel that offers studio, one, two, and three-bedroom suites for sale in addition to a fitness center and pool. This project, which is scheduled to be completed and ready for turnover in December 2010, will give premier residential condo unit owners the option of enrolling their units in the Lancaster Condotel Rental Pool and earning rental income [at current purchase levels] of approximately 8-14 percent per year when not using their units through Condotel Management.As a result, Lancaster Suites is considered to be one of the most promising investment opportunities in the Philippines.

The cheap cost of property taxes and upkeep in the Philippines is one of the most attractive aspects of owning property there. Property taxes on a GBP £25,000 Condotel suite are likely to be less than GBP £100 each year, and maintenance expenses are also very inexpensive. Adding the tax-deferred treatment afforded to IRA investments, as well as the 12-16 percent returns earned through rental income generated by the Condotel advantage, you have an incredible return on your investment in Philippine Condotel investment real estate, according to Collingz.

When it comes to buying Philippine Condotel Investment real estate as a SIPP investment, what are the disadvantages? For as long as the SIPP is listed as the owner of your investment property, you will not be able to live on the premises. The restrictions on benefitting directly from your assets under a self-directed pension plan are stringent; you are not permitted to utilize any property held by your SIPP, or else you risk losing your SIPP's tax-protected status and, worse yet, facing fines from HM Customs & Excise. Although you cannot immediately sell your Philippine real estate investment for a profit, you can rent out your SIPP investment for a consistent income while keeping the profits and cash flow in your SIPP.You can also rent out your SIPP investment for a steady income while keeping the profits and cash flow in your SIPP.

You should seriously consider investing in Philippine Condotel investment real estate if you want to make a unique and high-profit investment for your SIPP that will last a long time. It may assist you in accelerating the growth of your SIPP profits. Many investors are resorting to their SIPPs to invest in foreign properties and generate tax-free or tax-deferred income as a result of the anticipated downturn in the UK property market and the failure of pension schemes. Due to the availability of a self-directed pension plan instrument for investing in the Lancaster Suites Atrium Tower preconstruction apartments, this provides an exceptional opportunity for investors.

Due to the high rate of appreciation in preconstruction property, not only does the real estate seem to be appreciating, but also the rental income is in excess of what many pension plans provide for the same or comparable investment (around 20-30 percent per year). According to Beth Collingz, a large number of new investors are seeking to replace failing pension plans and other future saving programs with a secure investment in property. Customers are searching for investments that would provide them with an income in retirement as an alternative to conventional private pension plans, which have failed to provide enough retirement income. The majority of corporate pension schemes, as well as government pensions, are inadequate. Savings account interest rates are at all-time lows, according to financial data. Savvy investors are now on the lookout for a more secure investment that also has the potential to provide monthly income. "Condominiums in the Philippines are an excellent choice".

Real estate agents and brokers have traditionally focused their efforts on finding "buyers" who fit the traditional residential profile, rather than looking at the much larger picture of investments, investing, and retirement. However, the potential for high rental returns from condotel investments, which currently range from 8 percent to 14 percent per year, opens up a huge market that has not traditionally been considered by them. "We're here to assist our customers by educating them on current investment possibilities and advising them on new investment prospects." Collingz goes on to say that self-invested pension plans, as well as the Lancaster Suites Atrium Condotels, are perfect examples of this.