Improved Technology May Make Your Business Travel More Convenient

Improved Technology May Make Your Business Travel More Convenient

Travel time was formerly regarded to be "dead time" by businesspeople, and this was not so long ago. Deadtime while waiting for flights, on the aircraft, and, worst of all, dead time at the hotel was regarded to be a wasteful time in the majority of cases. Today, however, this is not the case.

With the introduction of Wi-Fi at airports and hotels, travelers no longer have to consider travel time a waste of time. We are no longer even thinking about putting the laptop in the carry-on baggage. Instead, we bring it on the aircraft with us and utilize it while we're on the road.

The possibility to connect to airport internet networks through an Ethernet cable has now been introduced to the majority of airports. Even better, you can just start up with a wireless card installed and you'll be ready to go.

This holds true for both hotels and motels. Start your computer and you'll be back in the office within minutes. High-speed Internet access is available at an extra fee at certain hotels. However, it is generally bundled with other services like long-distance or unlimited calling. Others provide the Internet connection at no cost. Most of the time, all that is required is for you to provide your name and, in certain situations, a room number in order to connect. Other hotels may only provide wifi connectivity in rooms that are within range of their network.

Even laptops without wireless cards may connect to the wireless Internet connection at certain hotels since customers can check out equipment from the front desk to use while staying there. A cable may be provided in the room if the connection is to be made through a wire. If you find yourself feeling restricted, as many of us do when we are tethered to the wall by an Ethernet connection, try packing a small router in your briefcase. Several models are now available for less than $100, and their range is really equivalent to that of a full-size router in terms of speed.

Okay, now you know how simple it is to establish a connection. Then there's the matter of the equipment. Most of us are aware that a laptop and a mobile phone are necessary lifelines for the business traveler, but do we know what additional technology and new equipment are accessible to the business traveler in the future?

The process of packing and transporting all of the items may be time-consuming and frustrating. The baggage industry has finally grasped the significance of this and has responded to the challenge. The number of tiny backpacks that can accommodate the plethora of cables, wires, and chargers required for business travel has increased more than ever in recent years.

There is a growing trend among tourists to travel with backpacks rather than traditional suitcases, which seems to be a throwback to the past. When they travel, they carry equipment that weighs many times as much as their body weight. The only practical precaution to take is to make sure that the wifi card is securely placed in the pocket of the backpack rather than in the computer. And, as a matter of sanity, and as a lesson learned the hard way, always bring an extra.

Whether you choose the briefcase form or the more portable backpack variant, neither style nor space will be compromised in the process. Both the standard briefcase and the backpack have been made roomier and better cushioned to accommodate the basics of the workplace. Both versions are available with or without wheels. The decision is in the hands of the passengers, and there are a plethora of options.

When it comes to business travel, packing the correct equipment will ensure that you won't even notice that you've been away from your desk. The advancement of technology has made business travel more convenient than ever before.